致力於推動外匯 期貨 股票 選擇權 CFD商品 保證金交易的透明化,使投資人能夠在公開公正的環境下交易,並且得到相應的保障! 我的合作對象都僅限我的學生,因此如果有任何對外宣稱與我有合作關聯者,請聽到此消息都先向我確認真偽,避免名譽上以及您的權益受到損害!
2017年11月29日 星期三
Equity curve analysis: A fool’s path? 淨值曲線交易:是愚笨的嗎?
Equity curve trading is simply a methodology where a trading strategy is turned on and off based on the gyrations of the equity curve. While there are many different approaches to employing equity curve trading, the concept is straightforward: trade strategies when they are making money, and temporarily turn them off when they are not. If only it were so simple.
With many of the basics of equity curve trading covered in the first installment, this article will look at two different methods of equity curve trading applied to three different real life trading strategies. Reviewing the results may allow some generalizations and conclusions about equity curve trading to be made.
Strategies scrutinized
2017年11月26日 星期日
Myths and facts of equity curve trading 淨值曲線交易的神話與真實狀況
Most traders have heard the concept of turning a trading strategy on and off — or increasing/decreasing size — when the equity curve rises above or falls below a specified moving average, breaks to a certain new low (or high), or has a specified number of consecutive losing days. The fact is every trader does some sort of equity curve trading, whether they realize it or not. Once a trader makes a decision based on the equity curve, he is in effect equity curve trading.
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